The Charade

If this is progress, why does is feel like we are on a hamster’s wheel? I watched the impeachment inquiry on television in its entirety. The players are the usual bunch except for the young congresswoman name Elise Stefanik. She was that extra pistol you keep in your sock at your ankle cocked and loaded just in case.  Were it not for her the Schiff Show would have been just several hours of my life that I’ll never get back. She did something that few Republicans do nowadays and that is she gave me hope. It’s a welcome relief to know that not all millenials drank the grape socialism flavored KoolAide. She stood tall and spoke with an unexpected authority in a room just chock-full of Schiffdomness. And I’m quite sure the she had to scrape the Schiff off the bottom of her shoes as she left that auspicious room that once belonged to the American people. She is of that ilk that’ll reclaims that room one day on behalf of a grateful nation. If Stefanik had been a Democrat, the feminazis would have had Schiff for lunch because of his maltreatment of her. He was as cold as ice as he repeatedly pounded that gavel meant to just shut her up more than five times.

This was a charade of a legal proceeding. This was not a legitimate course of action by the Democrats. Even they had to have been able to see that. The shame of it is that the Democrats were not the least bit embarrassed by this so called inquiry. They should have been sharp enough to know that putting a consummated liar like Schiff in charge of this attempted coup of our President would leave them looking exactly like the charlatans that they are. Is this the best that they have to offer in Schiff or even the candidates running for the office in 2020? If it is then everyone should be crying into their pillows tonight. Pelosi is vagrantly absent by design. If Schiff fails or falls on his face she’ll be poised in position as Speaker of the House to publicly say that she at least let him try. She will throw him under the bus when it is most advantageous to her and her reputation. Nancy knows that Schiff is gowing down after being caught in lie after lie. Nancy is nothing if she’s not patient.

If this impeachment makes it to the Senate, we’ve already been told, it will be dead on arrival. But hold on. Not so fast. The older and wiser Senate might have a few questions of their own. They too will be able to call witnesses if they so desire. They could call upon anyone that Congress missed: the Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas, Fusion GPS etc..any one. Or they could just vote this nonsense away. They too have options.

Where do we go from here? More smoke and mirrors from Democrats in perpetual search of a crime? Do we continue to tolerate abuse from the left? That is what we conservatives have been doing for a hundred years. We’ve allowed the left to dumb down our language, our children and our morals. All of this was done because we have been so damn polite! They throw a riot and we ask ‘where were our police?’. They pour unknown liquids on the heads of our police officers humiliating them on camera for all the world to see. My heart broke when I saw that. Conservatives have been chased out of restaurants because of the crime of supporting or working for our duly elected President. A conservative judge is shouted at and chased out of the television studio by a former comedian (Whoopi) who now is the bastion of truth, according to the left. How are they getting away with destroying public property because they are overwhelmed that a conservative guest will speak on a university campus? The left gets away with all types of uncivilized behavior because of us. Because we have too much dignity to return fire with any elevated stance of defense. 

Are we becoming what we hate? Are we cowards? The opposite of right isn’t the left. The opposite of right is wrong. We have to stand up to them. They are bullying us; dependant on their knowledge that we will behave in a certain civilized way. Are we not intelligent enough to fight back? We do know how to plan and then  thoughtfully get things done. That is our way. We must be four steps ahead of the enemy and we know who they are. We don’t do anything half cocked. We will not become like the beast, but we will outwit the beast. The Democrats have to not see us coming in order for us to be effective. We are capable of changing the course of this ship and inately we already know how to do it. That intuitiveness comes from God Himself. The difference between those of us on the right and the others is that we are fighting out of love for this country. We are fighting out of love for our neighbors. I love watching Trump rallies. The audience (that’s us) is excited and happy. Full of hope and purpose. Conservatives are for something positive and good. Like…Life, God, America and Freedom. Individual freedom is our commonality. 

Unfortunately,the young naively believe that by giving more of our rights away there will come a day of global peace. They mistakingly believe in a utopia where no one has to be responsible because the government can and will fix any and all social problems. That’s what they’ve been taught. They do not yet realize that the socialism taught to them is a form of bondage. The young and naive are the chosen weapons used by the left to gain control and therefore power. They have used our children as their pawns. We can begin there and on our own. They say that ‘hate is learned’, well ‘love’ is learned too! Let us reclaim our children. We must all be teachers!  We have experience on our side and a knowledge of history (i.e. lessons learned). And because we love our children and grandchildren we will have to re-educate the masses. We must use whatever gifts and talents we have to further the cause of goodness and virtue. We, the silent majority, must remain silent no more. Let us be vocal and strong and make our ancestors proud of who they left in charge. We are clever enough to find long-lasting ways of reversing the damage done by the left. We will redefine “progress” for them. The American Spirit will prevail and the tide will turn because fighting back is our only option. 

But for now when you are in the company of a lefty, try to resist the urge to hit them over the head with a shovel.  Instead say a little prayer for them and wish them well. Let’s do our best to be a peaceful people. If that doesn’t work take comfort in the fact that we still have the most guns. We are also a 2nd Amendment people.

Painting by Kathy Hatch “Scottish Fold”

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I am an artist in all that I do. These include writing, painting, public speaking, and encouraging the best in others. Life is art! God is The Great Artist. We are just cheap imitations that didn't come cheaply. For He paid the ultimate price of all on the Cross. I'm political. I'm Catholic and I love my country. Politics and Religion should have always been talked about. Thinking back I was always told that these were taboo subjects of conversation. We were wrong. We should have learned how to talk about all of it in a civilized manner. And because we did not, the world around us is yelling and screaming like banshees about politics and religion. So, I have decided to no longer remain quiet nor politically correct. I choose to use my words to fight for my beloved United States of America. Join me!

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  1. Hi Kathy, After reading your marvelous post I went to today’s mass reading and found a great response.

    Reading 1 MAL 3:19-20A Lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven, when all the proud and all evildoers will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire, leaving them neither root nor branch, says the LORD of hosts. But for you who fear my name, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays.

    ✝️🙏🏻 Barbara Marcis

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are so RIGHT about the abuse of power and shenanigans of the Democrats. This should be a national scandal; but, instead it’s a media playbook. Shameful and scary.

    Liked by 1 person

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